Our Community

We know there isn’t always time to read everything that gets published. That’s why we’ll be updating our other channels with snippets of information that you can see at a glance and save to come back to when you have time to focus on yourself. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updated content and news on launches, discussions, and other expert advice on health and well-being. Join the discussion where you feel comfortable doing so. Bond with the Fränkly Health community. We will ensure that to the best of our ability you will feel safe and heard.

We rely on you to alert us when things are not as they should be. We address any report about members and their conduct, complaints about our content, or breaches of our Terms of Use, seriously and compassionately. However, please bear in mind that what may be deemed inappropriate to you, may not be to us. We reserve the right to use our discretion.

If complaints are found to be legitimate, then consequences will be strict and immediate.  This may include deleting comments or content, suspension of editorial partnerships or commenting and other penalties we think are fair and appropriate.

If you’re interested in finding out more information about us or the content we share, please feel free to get in touch with us at hello@Franklyhealth. We’d love to hear from you.